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Innovative Event Trends - Kiosk

Innovative Event Trends

The event industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies, formats, and expectations emerging every year. As we enter 2024, what are the innovative event trends that are shaping the future of experiences? How can event planners leverage these trends to create memorable, impactful, and engaging events for their attendees? In this content, we will explore some of the latest and most innovative event trends in event planning and how innovation is reshaping the way we experience events.

Resurgence of In-Person Events

One of the most anticipated and innovative event trends for 2024 is the resurgence of in-person events. After a long period of social distancing and virtual events, people are craving for face-to-face interactions and tangible experiences. In-person events offer a sense of connection, community, and authenticity that cannot be replicated online. However, this does not mean that virtual events are obsolete. On the contrary, virtual events will continue to play a vital role in expanding the reach and accessibility of events, especially for global audiences. The key is to find the right balance between in-person and virtual elements, creating hybrid events that cater to different preferences and needs.

Hybrid Events

Hybrid events are events that combine in-person and virtual components, allowing attendees to participate either physically or virtually. Hybrid events are not a new concept, but they have gained popularity and relevance in the wake of the pandemic. Hybrid events offer several benefits, such as:

Increased attendance and engagement:

Hybrid events can attract a larger and more diverse audience, as they eliminate geographical and logistical barriers. They also offer more options and flexibility for attendees, who can choose the mode of participation that suits them best. Hybrid events can also increase engagement by enabling real-time interactions between in-person and virtual attendees, such as live Q&A sessions, polls, chats, and networking lounges.

Reduced costs and environmental impact:

Hybrid events can reduce the costs and carbon footprint of events, as they require less travel, accommodation, and venue space. They can also save time and resources for event planners, who can leverage digital tools and platforms to streamline the event management process.

Enhanced data and analytics:

Hybrid events can provide more data and insights into the event performance and attendee behavior, as they can track and measure both in-person and virtual activities. This can help event planners to evaluate the event outcomes, identify areas of improvement, and optimize the event strategy for future events.

Hybrid events are one of the most innovative event trends for 2024, as they offer the best of both worlds: the human touch of in-person events and the convenience and reach of virtual events.


Another event trend that is gaining momentum in 2024 is sustainability. Environmental consciousness is no longer an optional or secondary aspect of event planning, but a fundamental and expected one. Event planners need to consider the environmental impact of their events and adopt eco-friendly practices and solutions. Some of the ways to make events more sustainable are:

Choosing green venues and suppliers:

Event planners can select venues and suppliers that have green certifications, policies, and practices, such as energy efficiency, waste management, and social responsibility. They can also opt for local and organic catering, reusable or biodegradable materials, and digital or recycled event badges and lanyards.

Encouraging green behavior:

Event planners can educate and motivate attendees to adopt green behavior, such as using public transportation, carpooling, or biking to the event, bringing their own water bottles and cups, and recycling or composting their waste. They can also gamify the event experience by rewarding attendees for their green actions, such as offering points, badges, or prizes.

Offsetting the carbon footprint:

Event planners can offset the carbon footprint of their events by supporting environmental causes or projects, such as planting trees, donating to green charities, or investing in renewable energy. They can also communicate the impact and benefits of their actions to the attendees and stakeholders, creating a positive image and reputation for their events and brands.

Sustainability is one of the most innovative event trends for 2024, as it reflects the growing awareness and responsibility of the event industry towards the planet and society.

Innovative Event Trends - VR
Innovative Event Trends – VR

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are technologies that create immersive and interactive experiences by overlaying digital elements onto the physical world or simulating a virtual environment. AR and VR are among the most innovative and exciting event trends for 2024, as they offer unparalleled opportunities to enhance the event experience. Some of the ways to use AR and VR in events are:

Creating virtual tours and demos:

AR and VR can create virtual tours and demos of products, services, or destinations, allowing attendees to explore and experience them in a realistic and engaging way. For example, an event planner can use VR to showcase a potential event venue or destination, or an exhibitor can use AR to demonstrate the features and benefits of their product or service.

Enhancing learning and training:

AR and VR can enhance learning and training sessions by providing interactive and immersive content, such as simulations, scenarios, or games. For example, an event planner can use VR to train their staff on event safety and security, or a speaker can use AR to illustrate their concepts and ideas.

Adding fun and entertainment:

AR and VR can add fun and entertainment to the event experience by creating games, puzzles, or challenges that involve the attendees and the event environment. For example, an event planner can use AR to create a scavenger hunt or a trivia game that requires attendees to find and scan clues or objects around the venue, or use VR to create a virtual escape room or a roller coaster ride.

AR and VR are some of the most innovative event trends for 2024, as they create unforgettable and unique experiences that traditional event formats cannot match.


Personalization is the process of tailoring the event experience to the individual preferences, needs, and interests of each attendee. Personalization is one of the most important and innovative event trends for 2024, as it can increase attendee satisfaction, loyalty, and retention. Personalization can be achieved by using data, technology, and creativity. Some of the ways to personalize events are:

Segmenting and targeting the audience:

Event planners can segment and target their audience based on various criteria, such as demographics, behavior, or psychographics. They can then create personalized messages, content, and offers that resonate with each segment. For example, an event planner can send personalized invitations, reminders, and follow-ups to each attendee, based on their registration status, attendance history, or feedback.

Customizing the event agenda and content:

Event planners can customize the event agenda and content to suit the preferences and needs of each attendee. They can offer multiple tracks, sessions, and formats, and allow attendees to create their own personalized schedules. They can also use adaptive learning and AI to deliver personalized content and recommendations, based on the attendee’s profile, behavior, and feedback. For example, an event planner can use an event app to provide personalized suggestions for sessions, speakers, or exhibitors, based on the attendee’s interests, goals, or questions.

Creating personalized experiences and interactions:

Event planners can create personalized experiences and interactions for each attendee, by using technology, gamification, and personalization. They can use facial recognition, RFID, or QR codes to identify and greet each attendee, and provide personalized information, services, or rewards. They can also use gamification to create personalized challenges, missions, or quests, that involve the attendee’s interests, skills, or personality. For example, an event planner can use facial recognition to display personalized welcome messages, directions, or tips on screens or kiosks, or use gamification to create personalized badges, achievements, or leaderboards, based on the attendee’s actions, progress, or performance.

Personalization is one of the most innovative event trends for 2024, as it creates a sense of exclusivity, relevance, and value for each attendee.

Synergy Global Events

If you are looking for an event planning and management company that can help you create innovative, sustainable, and personalized events, look no further than Synergy Global Events. Synergy Global Events is a leading event company based in Montenegro, that specializes in corporate events, incentive events, and MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions). Synergy Global Events has the expertise, experience, and resources to plan and execute successful events, from concept to completion. Whether you want to host an event in Türkiye, Montenegro, or any other destination, Synergy Global Events can help you find the best venue, suppliers, and solutions, to meet your objectives and budget. Synergy Global Events is also committed to innovation, sustainability, and personalization, and can help you leverage the latest and most innovative event trends and technologies, to create unforgettable experiences for your attendees.

Contact Synergy Global Events today, and let them help you turn your event vision into reality.


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